In the depths of mid winter I went to visit Rachel Snowdon at her home studio on Dartmoor. We discussed vulnerability and being a creative. Hitting on the imposter syndrome in an era of comparison online, being seen or unseen and pushing through anyway. We talked about printmaking, art colleges, photography, folklore and history. We talked about our lives and where we were with our artistic practices.
Rachel was so open, vulnerable and embraced my slow film cameras. She was also kind and patient with me working out how to use my new mirrorless bodies – switching from my trusty Canon 5DIIIs to the R6II was quite the learning curve.
It was such a gentle day with a curious and sensitive exploration of Rachel and her incredible artwork. Shot on a mix of Ilford HP5, Kodak Gold 200 and Digital. If you haven’t seen Rachel’s work before I urge you to follow her on instagram.
Her artwork, writing and musings are nothing short of exquisite.
Thank you Rachel for letting me into your home, your studio, your work and for being brave.