Anyone else got a bit of an extra spring in their step this week? My bulbs are all pushing their sleepy heads up through the soil and this lovely sunshine is making me all excited for all this year’s upcoming weddings! Spring sunshine with that hazy moisture in the air is ALWAYS a hit!
Let’s all have a little revel in the wonder of nature and look at Leah & Joe with their fuzzy, funny pooch Lincoln… at Bantham Beach last spring. It was one of those evenings where we laughed SO hard (mainly because Joe had a strange walk from his bad toes and I had an even stranger walk from my hips post birth!) but the light was SO on point. I hardly ever blog engagement shoots – mainly because things like editing and shooting are WAY more important than blogging to me. BUT this year I have set aside a wee bit of time to share as much of the love as I can! Plus engagement shoots are still sometimes a bit of a mystery and most my couples are a bit scared of them – so here’s what happens; as you can see we basically go and hang out somewhere super pretty just before sunset and have a giggle. I’ll leap around like a bit of a loon banging on about the light and f-stops and give you tips on which angles to walk in so the light hits you just right… we’ll explore and watch the sunset, get our feet wet and chat about what makes you tick.
Ahhh I cannot wait to see these two promise forever in less than two months! YAY for sunshine, love and laughter! xx